Monday, February 3, 2014

The Importance of VAP Testing - A COMPLETE Cholesterol Test


More than 600,000 people die of heart disease every year, making the need for more accurate risk stratification even more urgent(1)
  • Heart disease accounts for 25% of all US mortalities(1)
  • 1 in 3 US adults has 1 or more types of cardiovascular disease (CVD)(2)
  • CVD kills more women each year than the next 4 causes of death combined(3)
  • Vascular disease is either under-diagnosed or under-treated in women(4)

Basic lipid panels (BLPs) are inaccurate and inadequate at assessing
residual risk in all patients
  • 50% of patients hospitalized with coronary artery disease had “normal” cholesterol: admission low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol <100 as="" basic="" by="" dl="" li="" lipid="" measured="" mg="" panels="">
  • Over 75% of patients with myocardial infarction (MI) fell within current guideline-recommended targets for LDL as measured by basic lipid panels(5)
  • Patients with diabetes are at increased risk for MI, stroke, amputation, and death(6)
    • Diabetes causes metabolic abnormalities that induce vascular dysfunction, which predisposes this population to atherosclerosis

LDL is often underestimated and does not reveal true risk
·        Calculated LDL using the Friedewald equation—the foundation for basic lipid panel test results—was found to be highly variable and strongly influenced by triglyceride (TG) concentrations(8),*
·        The magnitude of underestimation in Friedewald LDL often leads to under-treatment based on ATP III categorization(8),*
o       For patients with normal TG levels <150 10="" 70="" a="" adult="" approximately="" be="" category="" dl="" higher="" into="" is="" mg="" of="" p="" patients="" population="" reclassified="" risk="" the="" which="" would="">
  • Direct LDL measurement should be used to assess true risk:
    • LDL <100 dl="" mg="" tg="">200 mg/dL; specimen is non-fasting; patient is at moderate or high risk for CVD9-11 LDL status alone does not identify all patients at risk for cardiometabolic disorders
·        LDL accounts for 30% of the risk of premature CVD, while the remaining 70% represents additional risk factors(13)
·        The VAP Lipid Panel includes a comprehensive assessment of cardiometabolic risk factors

* Results from a recent independent investigator–initiated study involving 1.3 million adults that examined National Cholesterol Education Panel, Adult Treatment Panel  (NCEP/ATP III) Guidelines and commonly accepted standards of care. 8

VAP=Vertical Auto Profile.

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4. Vouyouka AG, Kent KC. Arterial vascular disease in women. J Vasc Surgery. 2007;46(6):1295-1302;
5. Sachdeva A, Cannon CP, Deedwania PC, et al. Lipid levels in
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20. Analytical performance of the cholesterol profi le measurement by Vertical Auto Profi le [VAP]: analysis of NCEP III guidelines lipid analytes. Atherotech Web site. Published 2011. Accessed May 10, 2012;
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