More than 600,000 people die
of heart disease every year, making the need for more accurate risk
stratification even more urgent(1)
- Heart disease accounts for 25% of all US mortalities(1)
- 1 in 3 US adults has 1 or more types of cardiovascular disease (CVD)(2)
- CVD kills more women each year than the next 4 causes of death combined(3)
- Vascular disease is either under-diagnosed or under-treated in women(4)
Basic lipid panels (BLPs) are
inaccurate and inadequate at assessing
residual risk in all patients
- 50% of patients hospitalized with coronary artery disease had “normal” cholesterol: admission low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol <100 as="" basic="" by="" dl="" li="" lipid="" measured="" mg="" panels="">
- Over 75% of patients with myocardial infarction (MI) fell within current guideline-recommended targets for LDL as measured by basic lipid panels(5)
- Patients with diabetes are at increased risk for MI, stroke, amputation, and death(6)
- Diabetes causes metabolic abnormalities that induce vascular dysfunction, which predisposes this population to atherosclerosis
LDL is often underestimated
and does not reveal true risk
Calculated LDL using the Friedewald equation—the
foundation for basic lipid panel test results—was found to be highly variable
and strongly influenced by triglyceride (TG) concentrations(8),*
The magnitude of underestimation in Friedewald LDL
often leads to under-treatment based on ATP III categorization(8),*
o For
patients with normal TG levels <150 10="" 70="" a="" adult="" approximately="" be="" category="" dl="" higher="" into="" is="" mg="" of="" p="" patients="" population="" reclassified="" risk="" the="" which="" would="">
- Direct LDL measurement should be used to assess true risk:
- LDL <100 dl="" mg="" tg="">200 mg/dL; specimen is non-fasting; patient is at moderate or high risk for CVD9-11 LDL status alone does not identify all patients at risk for cardiometabolic disorders100>
LDL accounts for 30% of the risk of premature CVD,
while the remaining 70% represents additional risk factors(13)
The VAP Lipid Panel includes a comprehensive assessment
of cardiometabolic risk factors
* Results from a recent independent investigator–initiated
study involving 1.3 million adults that examined National Cholesterol Education
Panel, Adult Treatment Panel (NCEP/ATP
III) Guidelines and commonly accepted standards of care. 8
VAP=Vertical Auto Profile.
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AG, Kent KC. Arterial vascular disease in women. J Vasc Surgery.
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13. Kreisberg
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from randomized controlled trials
of lipid lowering and other relevant studies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;87(2):423-427;
14. Tremblay
M, Gaudet D, Brisson D. Metabolic syndrome and oral markers of
cardiometabolic risk. J Can Dent Assoc.
15. Jellinger
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17. The VAP® Test from
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18. Peters
AL. Clinical relevance of non-HDL cholesterol in patients
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21. Why order
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test. Atherotech Web site.
Accessed May 10, 2012; 22. Study: VAP comprehensive cholesterol test improves
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