Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Crohn's Disease
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory condition of the intestine. Modern science has linked it to an immune response, which causes chronic inflammation. Commonly, prescription drugs are administered to alleviate some of the symptoms, and frequently surgery is performed to remove inflamed portions of the intestine, in an attempt to avoid infection and reduce symptoms.
It is well documented that certain foods cause discomfort, cramping and diarrhea, in people who have this condition. Because each person is different, there is no one diet that can be followed to prevent symptoms. The most important thing to understand, is that, IBS and Chron’s are always caused by food allergies. Common food allergens are cows milk and wheat/gluten, but often a food, such as; broccoli or carrots, will show up as an allergen. Some victims of Crohn’s disease may find relief by avoiding milk and wheat, but in reality, the foods that are chosen most frequently (favorite foods) are often the foods which are the most damaging. Eating a food which causes inflammation actually causes an adrenaline boost, which in turn causes the person to crave that particular food.
Food sensitivities that cause inflammation do not often cause an immediate response, which makes it difficult to pick out which foods are causing the problem. Often, food sensitivities like these do not cause noticeable symptoms for up to 2-3 days after consumption. If the food which causes inflammation is eaten every day, the symptoms increase over time.
The best way to determine which foods are causing inflammation is to run an IgG Rast Test, which tests 96 different food groups, and provides a rotation diet to clear the body of the inflammation. Removing the source of inflammation gives the intestines a chance to heal. Once the inflammation is gone, foods which are sources of inflammation may then be consumed in small amounts, on occasion. This information is very valuable to the person who suffers from Chron’s, because they are in control of their situation, and can choose to avoid foods which cause inflammation in their body.
Another concern for people with symptoms of IBS or Chron’s is malnutrition. The inability to properly digest and absorb nutrients can cause weight loss and fatigue, along with other symptoms. It is recommended that nutritional supplementation be utilized to help the body absorb these lost nutrients. It may be necessary to use liquid, sublingual or intramuscular injections to increase the absorption of these nutrients.
Each individual person has their own unique needs. There is no cookie cutter plan which can resolve symptoms in every situation. It’s necessary to discuss symptoms, nutrition and health with your health care provider regularly, and make changes as needed to maintain balance. Avoiding foods which cause inflammation is a very important part of this health plan.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Re: Am I overusing Antibiotics?
MRSA/STAPH is very difficult to treat, because of the resistance to many antibiotics, and the occurrence of this type of infection is rapidly increasing. Your chances of contracting infections increases if you are admitted to the hospital.
According to data from use of antibiotics is rising. Here are some startling statistics...
- In 1954, two million pounds of antibiotics were produced in the US . Today the figure exceeds 50 million pounds. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2000)
- In one year in the US , of the 51 million physician visits for colds, upper respiratory tract infections, and bronchitis, 50% to up to 66% of those visits culminated in an antibiotic prescription. (Annals of Internal Medicine, July, 2000)
- Streptococcus pneumoniae, the most common bacterial cause for illness such as meningitis, middle ear infections, and community-acquired pneumonia causes an estimated 700,000 to 1 trillion middle-ear infections in children a year, 50,000 cases of pneumonia, hundreds of cases of meningitis and blood stream infections, and 4,000 deaths per year. (CA Dept of Health Services, 2001)
- In California , out of the three main classifications of antibiotics tested for effectiveness against streptococcus pneumoniae; penicillins show a 30% resistance level, erythromycin-like antibiotics 22% resistance and fluoroquinolones 1%. This means one in three people who receive a penicillin type antibiotic, it may not work. (CA Dept of Health Services, 2001)
What does all of this mean?
It means that about 1/3 of Americans receive a prescription for antibiotics every year. Of course some people get multiple scripts each year, which is another entirely different concern.
Antibiotics can not kill a virus... What are viruses? Organisms that mask themselves within our tissues and the cause of:
- all colds and the flu
- most coughs
- most sore throats
- viruses usually involve several parts of the body
They can also cause infectious diseases such as;
- chicken pox
- yellow fever
- most childhood respiratory diseases
- diarrhea
- most upper respiratory infections
- viruses are usually the precursor to bacterial infections
Bacterial infections include...
- strep throat
- urinary tract infections
- most ear infections
- some sinus infections
- usually are localized to one part of the body
Antibiotics can kill bacteria that are not resistant. Bacteria adapt to their surroundings, which is the basis of antibiotic resistance.
What's the answer?
Use antibiotics only when you are absolutely in need of them. Your body can fight off many bacterial infections and viruses itself, if given proper nutrition and rest. Most of you have heard a doctor say "it just has to run its course," this is true in many cases. Occasionally a person whose immune system is already challenged will need additional support to recover quickly, but antibiotics should only be used when it's absolutely necessary to fight off the bacteria.
Increased vitamin C, under a physicians guidance, up to 4000-6000 milligrams a day has been shown clinically to absolve strep throat in acute stages.
To avoid getting sick you can do the following
- wash your hands thoroughly often, especially when in public
- eat a healthy diet with fresh fruits and vegetables
- avoid sugar and high fructose corn syrup
- supplement daily with vitamin C, D, E, and other antioxidants
- utilize monolauric acid (Lauricidin) to help prevent viruses
- normalize gut flora
- have your zinc level tested with a zinc tally test
What if I get sick?
- supplement with additional vitamin C to bowel tolerance
- have your zinc levels checked
- drink lots of water
- take Lauricidin to 3 times a day (8 hours apart)
- get some rest - stay home in bed if you need to
Talk to your natural health provider about options for your specific symptoms, often there are natural ways to reduce symptoms, and get you back to normal quicker.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Are you getting what you pay for? Discount Supplement Dangers
What does this mean? It means that you may be getting a better price for what you think is Vitamin X, but you may not be getting vitamin X. It's also possible that you may be getting something in addition to the vitamin, such as Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, and a whole array of other toxins or chemicals. Currently, the supplement industry is not required to follow any specific labeling or manufacturing standards which would prevent this from happening. in their November 9, 2010 posting, discussed this very topic. They analyzed 10 different forms of valerian root (often used for stress and relaxation) and found that only 3 met their label claims. They also tested for heavy metals, such as lead. They found that only 5 out of those 10 met label claims. In their study for potency (content of the substance advertised) they found 0%, 26.7%, 36.8%, 57.1% and 82.5%. 3 of these 10 products showed measurable amounts of lead from 1.2 mcg to 3.5 mcg.
Why is this information imortant? First, if you purchase the supplement which has 0% in it... guess what? You have no idea what you are consuming. It could be any type of filler, or other substance, but its definitely not what you thought you were buying. Often people will say, I can't take vitamin such-and-such, because it breaks me out in a rash. More than likely, it's the fillers they used that you are sensitive to. Even if you purchased the supplement that had 82.5% in it, you never know what else is in there!
This is important information for you to understand.
The products that we recommend to our friends, families and patients are all tested and are guaranteed to be accurately processed and labeled. Many of our suppliers take an additional step, and voluntarily adhere to pharmaceutical standards and practices. When possible, all of our products are created without allergens such as soy, wheat, gluten and casien. When it's not possible to avoid commonly known allergens, the products are accurately marked to prevent any type of reaction by the consumer.
I always tell people that it is this simple. If it's on the label it's in there, if it's not on the label... it's not in there!
When it comes to the health and safety of yourself and your family, it's important to stay educated and know that you have options. It's ok to challenge the things you hear and read. Do your own research, ask questions and get answers from people and sources you trust.
We hope that we have earned your trust over the years, and we will continue to provide what we hope is useful information. Feel free to call or stop by the office if you need more information or have any questions!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Apples, in general, are what we consider a negative calorie food. Meaning, if you eat an apple which is 50 calories, the digestion of the apple may burn 150 calories during the digestion process. Making the caloric intake of that apple a negative 100 calories. Talk about a winner, that's almost a pound a month!
Apples actually support the liver by thinning bile, which can help reduce the symptoms of heart burn. In addition, apple cider vinegar is often used to help with weight loss, and to reduce heart burn. Most people choose to mix it with a little water and stevia to take the pucker out. There is a recipe for this drink on the HCG page of our website.
In mideval times apples were considered good for eye function, flatulence, digestive concerns, kidney health and respiratory health. Science is yet to prove these claims, but old wives tales are believed to hold some truths. Maybe someday science will agree that apples are one of the best foods you can consume.
Adding an apple a day to your diet can help reduce hunger, and prevent binge eating. They also may delay the absorption of sugar and carbohydrates, which helps you feel more satisfied. Keep in mind that a diet rich in variety is best for everyone, but there is no reason why you shouldn't add an apple a day to your diet. You might be surprised!