Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Your Independence Day

This time of the year is always filled with nostalgia and feelings of achievement because we, The United States of America, are independent. We fought for this right, we achieved the ability to stand alone and make our own decisions on what is right for us in every aspect of our lives. We continue to fight, and to protect the rights of the peoples of the world, whether they realize the need us to or not. We desire to make the world a better place, a fair place, a place where individuals can make their own decisions about what is best for them and their families. Yet, as a people we have become complacent and many of us allow the powers-that-be (insurance companies and governmental agencies) to tell us what is best for us. I agree that the governing officials do a great job at making many decisions about this great nation and its future.

This Independence Day, I think we should all claim the right to be independent. I vote that we should each care for our own health, as individuals, independent from everyone else. Your body is different from your neighbors, and children's, and parents, and spouse! Your individual nutritional needs are separate and unique. Often, family members have similar health concerns because of lifestyle and eating habits, but each one of those family members has their own physiological makeup and is independent from the other members of the family. As Dr Jay says, "Heredity is 85-90% habit and only 5-15% genetic." You have choices, you just need to break the cycle.

This 4th of July, proclaim your independence, and choose to care for your body and health in the manner that is best for you! Make choices for yourself regarding diet and exercise, don't wait for someone else to decide it's time to make a change.

  • Eat More Veggies - 8 out of 10 bites of food should be fruit or vegetables

  • Eat at least 2 pieces of fruit a day - mix it up - choose different colors of fruits and veggies

  • Cut back on breads - one serving of bread, pasta, rice etc. a day is plenty (1 piece of bread is a serving)

  • Manage your blood sugar - keeping blood sugar levels under control helps with weight management and the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease - use stevia!

  • Stop drinking soda - no... diet soda is not good for you - did you know it makes you eat more? Diet drinks turn off your bodies ability to know when it's full.

  • Don't drink flavored water - why drink your calories? Most of these drinks are full of salt and sugar. Sports drinks were designed for long distance runners and high output sports, as much as we would like to be like those people... we don't burn 1000 calories in one workout very often!

  • Avoid energy drinks and high doses of caffeine - you only have one heart - don't wear it out

  • Stop smoking - you can replace any habit. Trade cigarettes for carrot sticks not carbs.

  • Get plenty of sleep - 7 hours a night is the recommended amount

  • Work in 200 minutes of exercise a week - walking, jogging, bike riding etc. pump that blood

  • Take your vitamins - as we age we lose the ability to assimilate nutrients from foods. Nutritional supplementation is necessary in order to maintain optimal health

  • Check in - get your orthomolecular holistic health checkup once a year - find out where you stand so that you can make adjustments to your lifestyle and prevent illness from occurring

Take control of your own health. Celebrate the 4th of July this year by making a stand for your own independence!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sleep is important!

Sleep is very important to each persons health and well being. Sleeping less than 7 hours a night has been linked to health concerns such as cardiovascular risk, diabetes and cancer.

While you sleep, your body repairs and builds, but it's only when you get solid, sound sleep that this process is able to kick in. If you want to live longer and have a healthier life, make sure you are getting enough zzzzz's.

Children with disorders such as autism, aspergers and ADHD or ADD are often the same children who do not get enough sleep. It's not that they don't go to bed on time or spend hours trying to sleep, but their quality of sleep is poor and shallow, which doesn't allow them time to rebuild and rest. There are several reasons why people don't sleep well.

Out of whack melatonin and cortisol levels...

Melatonin, which is a hormone made by the pineal gland, helps control when and how well you sleep. It can be found in many types of food and can be taken as a supplement. Many people who have trouble falling asleep at night take melatonin, as a supplement, to assist them in feeling tired enough to fall asleep. Some use it to help recover from jet lag, and people who work odd shifts can sometimes gain benefit from it also. The amount of daylight you are exposed to is a key factor in the amount of melatonin your body manufactures. If you sleep in a dark room all day and work at night, you probably don't make enough.

Your body makes its own melatonin, but as we age we sometimes are not as good at making it as we were when we were younger. Fortunately we can eat foods which contain melatonin such as oats and brown rice, or we can supplement with a good quality product. There is also a saliva test that can be used to check levels of melatonin and cortisol, which work together to help your body know when to be awake and when to sleep. High cortisol levels, or cortisol levels which are not in the correct rhythm, for example; high at night and low during the day, can cause weight gain around the middle and disrupt sleep patterns. Cortisol levels can get out of sync because of stress, poor dietary choices, lack of exercise or adrenal fatigue. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, it would be a good idea to get tested for these hormonal patterns. Our doctors can help pinpoint the cause of your hormone imbalance and get your body back into the right rhythm for sleep, and health, by using this test and natural supplementation.

Melatonin has also been found to reduce inflammation and may reduce the risks of certain kinds of cancer such as breast and prostate. Studies show that melatonin competes with estrogen for estrogen receptor sites and may help reduce the progress of cancers which are fed by estrogen.

Melatonin also helps regulate leptin, which a key player in Type 2 Diabetes and weight gain. Researchers think that melatonin may increase leptin at night, which is why you are not hungry while you are sleeping. Just this alone, is a good reason to find out if you are low on melatonin!

Blood sugar

Did you know that your brain runs on glucose? Yes, glucose is a sugar and its regulated by your pancreas. People who have Type 1 Diabetes and do not have the ability to make insulin, must take insulin to prevent diabetic shock and coma. Glucose is important to life, but as with anything it must be regulated. Type 2 Diabetics make enough insulin, but utilize it poorly.

Blood sugar spikes and dips are responsible for many different symptoms including poor sleep. If your blood sugar falls while you are sleeping and your brain needs food, your adrenal glands kick in to provide what it needs and BAM, you are awake. These are the times that you are awake and thinking about everything you have to do, and can't go back to sleep.

To prevent this, you should try to keep level blood sugar levels all day long. Eating a healthy supper with protein and vegetables is very important. You want to make sure your body has the nutrition it needs to build, repair and sleep all night long. Making sure your diet has a healthy amount of fiber, also helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Type 2 Diabetes is an epidemic in the USA. Many people are leptin resistant, which is considered to be pre-diabetic. Learning to manage your diet to keep your blood sugar at an even level through out the day is important for weight loss, sleep, cardiovascular health and diabetes prevention. If you need information on how to manage your blood sugar, call our office. We also have the leptin diet available for those of you who wish to manage your diet.

Stress & Walking

Managing your stress is very important. If you can't relax because you have too much going on, and can't turn off your brain because you can't stop thinking about grocery shopping, oil changes, the kids or the grandkids, you need to relieve some stress. The best way to manage daily stress is to walk. I know that I bring up walking on a regular basis, but that's because it's important. Walking reduces stress, helps prevent depression, moves the blood in your body to help with brain, heart and total body health. Walking also helps reduce blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Shoot for a minimum of 200 minutes a week for optimal health.

We do offer some supplements that can help with stress, including vitamins and natural relaxants to help calm the mind and promote sleep, but we always recommend walking to improve sleep habits and reduce stress.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is often associated with being overweight, is also related to diabetes and men more frequently suffer from sleep apnea than women. Sleep apnea can be a very serious condition if it causes the person to have a low oxygen level. Some people who suffer from this condition actually wake up each time they stop breathing, and this causes terrible disruptions in their sleep. Because they never actually get to sleep, these people are typically troubled with health concerns.

As you can see there are many reasons why someone might not sleep well, but it's very important to make sure that you are getting your 7 hours a day. If something is disrupting your sleep, it is imperative that you find a way to resolve the issue as soon as you can. Call our clinic for more information on any of these topics, and we will be happy to help you.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Low Calorie Ideas for Covered Dishes

Here are a few ideas you can use if you are asked to bring a dish to a barbeque!

Strawberry vinaigrette
(Enjoy with Arugula salad)
Strawberries1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar1 tablespoon lemon juiceStevia to tasteDash of saltDash of cayenne (optional) Fresh ground black pepper to tasteStevia to taste

Combine all ingredients in food processor. Puree until smooth. Pour over fresh arugala or green salad. Garnish with sliced strawberries and freshly ground black pepper. Variations: use as a marinade or sauce for chicken.
Makes 1 serving (1 fruit)
No Crust Apple Pie

Mexican Salsa
Boil red tomatoes and one chili pepper. When tomatoes are soft, pull the skin off. Put the tomatoes and chili pepper in blender with plenty of water and lots of salt. Vary the flavor using any of the following- garlic, sugar, cilantro, onion, thyme, oregano.
There are literally hundreds of variations for this and every Mexican Salsa starts here! Can also add hamburger/sausage, parmesan, mushrooms, etc to make an Italian sauce!

Garlic Chicken
100g chicken (400g chicken - 4 servings)
Diced onion
3-5 cloves garlic - unpeeled & left whole
Juice of half lemon
Black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350.
Heat non-stick saucepan over MED.
Add the onion. Stir constantly until tender. 5-10 mins.
Transfer onions to glass baking dish.
Place chicken atop onions.
Squeeze on lemon juice & sprinkle with pepper.
Place garlic around and on the chicken.
Cover tightly either with lid or aluminum foil.
Cook for 30-45 mins or until chicken is no longer pink.
Note: You don't have to eat the onions as your veggie (it's primarily for flavor). Just eat the chicken and add veggie of your choice.

BBQ Sauce
2 strips of fat-free turkey bacon, chopped fine (or see substitutions)
1 small onion, minced
1 clove garlic, minced or 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 small can (6 oz) tomato paste
1 can (12 oz) diet (sugar-free) cola - Stevia-sweetened
1/4 cup sugar-free catsup
3 T mustard
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 pinch ground cloves
Hot sauce to taste
1/2 cup of water

Pan-fry the turkey bacon. Add onion and cook over medium flame for about 4 minutes. Add garlic clove and stir. Add the remaining ingredients including the water. Stir. Allow to simmer for 20-30 minutes.
To adjust flavor at this point, use any of the following: vinegar, sweetener (liquid works best,) or hot sauce. Note: sweetener will tone down spiciness.
Makes approx. 10 servings of 1/4 cup with approx 15 - 30 calories, and 1 gram of fiber, depending on products used.

No Crust Apple Pie

What you need
Large glass deep dish baking dish with a lid
Fresh Apples
¼ cup granulated stevia
½ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ cup of water
2-3 small slices of real butter

Mix stevia, nutmeg and cinnamon in a separate bowl.
Slice apples (with or without peel) and layer in class baking dish with stevia mixture. Fill to about ½ inch from top. Pour ¼ cup water into dish and top with a couple small slices of real butter. Cover and bake at 350 until tender.

For More recipes visit our website at

Monday, June 14, 2010

If you could only do one thing to be healthier..... choose walking

If you only had the time to add one thing to your day to make yourself feel better and live longer, that one thing should be walking regularly. Adding just 200 minutes of exercise a week to your schedule can make long lasting changes to your body.

Many people find that doing things for their health is one of the hardest things to fit into their daily lives. Constantly running around and taking kids to ball games, and other social commitments leaves little time for many people to think about themselves. I recommend that you add daily exercise to your schedule so that you are sure to make time for it. It is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.

In a study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1989, 13,000 men and women were studied for eight years. The data showed that an unfit man could reduce his risk of death from all diseases by nearly 37 percent by becoming fit, and an unfit woman could reduce her risk by about 48 percent. *

Walking is so beneficial to your health and well being. Many studies have been done over the last several decades proving that walking is important to the mind and body. What are some of the benefits ?

  • Lowered blood pressure - whether you walk 30 minutes several times a week or 10 minutes several times a day, regular walking has been proven to lower blood pressure by about 5 points. A 40 minute walk can reduce blood pressure for 7 hours!

  • Lowered blood sugar - regular walking can lower blood glucose levels. Get that 200 minutes in every week to prevent type 2 diabetes and reduce the symptoms!

  • Lower cholesterol - Walking can improve HDL (good cholesterol) which in-turn helps to lower bad (LDL) cholesterol.

  • Improved circulation - Getting the heart pumping forces blood into the tiny capillaries and increases oxygen distribution to the tissues.

  • Decreased risk of heart disease - According to The New England Journal of Medicine, August 26, 1999 Walking 3-4 hours a week can reduce female heart disease risk by 30-40%. Walking is a known benefit for cardiovascular health!

  • Reduced inflammation - Getting that oxygen to all parts of your body with increased circulation also helps reduce inflammation. The blood carries O2 and nutrients out to the capillaries and brings the trash back to the liver and kidneys to be cleaned out.

  • Reduction of stress - walking reduces stress. It gets you away from constant stressors and if you get outdoors, into the fresh air. A little sun adds some vitamin D which is also known to aid with depression or mood enhancement.

  • Improved mood/reduced depression - If you are depressed, get outside and go for a walk. Moving around and getting some sunshine and fresh air can do a lot for your mental state. Getting away from television and constant noise can also help. Listen to the birds, smell some flowers and enjoy the outdoors.

  • Reduced cancer risk - Studies show that not only does walking reduce the risk factors for heart disease but people in those same studies also show that they have a lower risk of getting cancer.

  • Bone Building / reduces risk of Osteoporosis - Walking is very beneficial to your muscles, tendons, cartilage and bones. You have heard that old saying " if you don't use it you lose it"? well that is definitely true when it comes to bones, muscles, tendons and cartilage.

  • Weight Management - Walking about 2.5 miles an hour for 40 minutes burns about 175 calories. That equals out to about a mile every 16 minutes. Do that 3 times a week and you have burned 525 calories.

  • Better sleep - More oxygen, using your muscles, better mood and circulation all add to a better nights sleep.

  • Improved energy - the more you walk the better you feel, which in turn gives you more energy. Get up and move around to give yourself more energy.

  • Improved immunity - helps clear lymphatic system. Walking helps the immune system by clearing out the lymphatic system. Keep your system cleaner and healthier by walking.

  • Brain health - walking improves circulation which in turn benefits the brain. You should also challenge your brain by doing things that require thinking every day. Read, do crossword puzzles or put together puzzles.

As you can see... walking has many benefits and if there was only one thing you could do to make yourself feel better, have more energy, live longer and be more mobile, it should be the thing you do.

Of course there are lots of other things you can do to increase your odds of living a fuller, healthier life. Eating right, which means increasing your vegetable and fruit intake and eating a variety of healthful foods. Avoiding inflammatory foods such as cow's milk, pork, chocolate, soda, diet drinks and fried foods. Supplementing your diet with additional nutrition when it's necessary is also very important. As we age, we lose the ability to build and to process some of the nutrients we need to be as healthy as possible. Supplementation is required in these instances to make sure we have what we need to build strong bones and new healthy cells.

CoQ10 is a good example of a supplement that we have a harder time making as we age. Calcium is a good example of a nutrient that we have more trouble breaking down and using, as we get older, because our stomach acid is not as strong as it was when we were young. For more information on supplementation, please come visit us at the office. We would love to help you get more information on your individual needs.

Have a good week and get out there and do some walking this week!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Alternatives to Dangerous Drugs by Terry Lemerond

One of the greatest frustrations for anyone working in natural health is the prejudice that somehow prescription drugs are better, more powerful and safer than natural medicines simply because they are prescription drugs. The word “prescription” is like a halo that confers implied benefits such as “Ordered by a doctor” and “Clean” and “Powerful.” It is the slickest, most effective marketing campaign I have ever seen. Over the last 70 to 80 years, synthetic medication has pushed out natural remedies that have been used successfully for centuries. And the drug manufacturers have been going out of their way ever since to undermine the credibility and effectiveness of natural medicine. After all, you can’t make billions in profits from a simple herb. And what does it do to your bottom line if the simple herb turns out to be better than your heavily-invested drug? To what lengths would you go to protect those profits and investments? Obviously, some would go so far as to cause death and injury to innocent, unsuspecting patients, eager for a cure, but unaware of the toll the drug may take. Unaware they have other, safer options.

In this issue of Terry Talks Nutrition, we are going to look at some of these dangerous drugs, their adverse effects and which natural medicines are safer . . . and more effective, too.

Are Prescription Drugs ALWAYS Bad?

Am I against all prescription medications? No. There are a few that are great life-savers. But I am against blindly accepting all foreign chemical substances as “helpful” simply because they bear the “prescription” or “over-the-counter” drug moniker. In too many instances to count, these synthetic chemicals have done grievous damage when a natural intervention may well have yielded superior and far safer effects. A common drug like ibuprofen can cause the deaths of over 15,000 people a year—yes, I said 15,000 human beings a year—but if one person has an unusual or allergic reaction to an herb and dies, how long do you think that herb will remain on the market? The media goes into a feeding frenzy with “scary” sensationalized herbal stories, yet awful statistics about death and injury caused by prescription drugs are treated as an anomaly and the stories quickly fade.

Every day about 300 people die from an adverse reaction to a drug that was supposed to help them. More than 2 million people a year have to seek treatment at a hospital for an adverse reaction to a prescribed medication. An adverse reaction can be something relatively mild - itching or an upset stomach – or something as serious as breathing problems or an irregular heartbeat.

There are a myriad of effective, natural ways to address illness and injury without putting a person’s life at risk. Let’s look at some examples of natural products that have been proven equal or superior to pharmaceutical drugs.

The Best-Selling Drugs in America: Reducing Cholesterol
Brand names: Lipitor (atorvastatin), Crestor (rosuvastatin), Zocor (Simvastatin)
Adverse effects: headaches; muscle aches and debilitating muscle pain syndromes; weakness; dizziness; abdominal cramps; memory loss; “brain fog;” increased cancer risk; increased Parkinson’s disease risk; interferes with natural CoQ10 production, which leads to heart muscle weakness; interferes with hormone production; linked to depression and congestive heart failure, as well as hormonal disruption.

Remember that high cholesterol is not the problem. Low HDL cholesterol is a problem, along with inflammation in the blood vessels and oxidation of circulating cholesterol. So a better idea is to raise HDLs, reduce oxidation in the body and eliminate inflammation in the blood vessels. Did you know that for every 1% you raise HDLs, you get a corresponding 2-3% decrease in heart disease risk? And if your HDLs are high enough, you will not get heart disease, regardless of the total cholesterol number.

Raise HDLs and balance cholesterol using clinically-proven Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officianalis). Published scientific studies show it reduces plaque in the arteries, impacts cholesterol synthesis, protects cells from oxidation, and in a human trial, increased HDLs 14% while lowering LDLs 21% for a much healthier cholesterol balance.

At the same time, reduce oxidation and inflammation with a highly bioavailable curcumin extract. Inflammation on the interior of the blood vessel is the first step in plaque development, and curcumin will greatly inhibit this process. However, not just any curcumin will do. Curcumin is hard to absorb. In order to get therapeutic levels of curcumin in the blood stream, it should have clinically-proven enhanced absorption. I prefer curcumin extracts complexed with essential turmeric oils and naturally occurring plant phospholipids. I never recommend those blended with piperine for absorption, because piperine (extract of black pepper) is hard on the liver, and interacts with the majority of drugs on the market, including anti-seizure, blood pressure, heart rhythm, and cancer drugs.

Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for cholesterol balance and heart disease prevention/treatment. They balance cholesterol by reducing LDL while increasing HDL cholesterol, and reduce triglycerides. Omega 3s also have a great impact on systemic inflammation. But omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil are very poorly absorbed, and are bound to triglycerides. The better way to increase omega 3 fatty acids is to use salmon extracts utilizing Vectorization. This process yields a natural whole food omega 3 complex that has 50 times the absorption of fish oil with no rancidity or GI upset.

And last, greatly increase fiber in your diet. Why? Because fiber soaks up and transports cholesterol your body is trying to eliminate. Less fiber means more cholesterol is reabsorbed during the elimination process, and more fiber means it is effectively carried out of your body. Try for a total of 25 or more grams a day of dietary fiber from food, and add supplements if you cannot reach or exceed this total with diet alone.

These steps will be much more effective at balancing cholesterol (shifting away from LDL and towards HDL) and preventing heart disease than any statin drug, and all without damaging or life-threatening adverse effects.

Reprinted from


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I finished my HCG... Now What?

WOW! is all I can say about the success we have seen with the new homeopathic HCG drops. We have patients and friends who are anywhere from 60 to 100 pounds lighter than they were before the start of the HCG program. They are also excited about the benefits of this weight loss, such as; more energy, renewed self esteem, lower blood glucose levels and a great reason to go shopping for more clothes!

If you wish to learn more about the diet you can visit our website to view the program and how it works. What I wish to discuss in this message is "Now that I have lost this weight, how do I keep it off?"

As with any weight loss program, once the weight is off, you must follow a healthy diet and exercise in order to maintain your new shape. HCG is a safe and fast weight loss solution for those who have had problems losing weight in the past, and most do not gain the weight back. With a few lifestyle modifications and committing yourself to a regular exercise plan, you can manage your weight and keep it off! Part of the reason many people do not gain the weight back is metabolic. The body has re-learned to burn fat for energy and it is no longer storing fat for an emergency hunger situation. Humans should be fat burning machines.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is high in processed foods and sugar. Often the body is provided too much of these types of foods and not enough lean protein, or vegetables (healthy carbs). This type of eating trains the body to burn sugar and non-complex carbs for energy, and when the body is provided this type of diet it forgets how to burn fat. These types of food also encourage over eating because they burn off so fast that you are hungry again shortly after eating them. For example, eating a piece of buttered toast would cause your body to burn off the toast and store the fat, and 20 minutes later you would want more to eat.

Now to the Meat and Potatoes of this discussion...

These are the things you want to do.
  • Exercise 200+ minutes a week (aerobic exercise is important for the whole body).

  • Drink lots of clean filtered water, free of chlorine other chemicals (reverse osmosis is best)

  • Avoid bottled beverages - no flavored waters, no soda or diet drinks, no carbonated beverages - I know it's no fun but... let's be realistic!

  • Eat healthy fats - nuts, olive oil, avocado, tuna, sardines

  • Focus on lean proteins - farm raised eggs and chicken, fish, turkey, free range lean beef etc...

  • Eat more vegetables - 8 out of 10 bites of food should be veggies and fruit.

  • Variety is key - eat lots of different colors of vegetables and fruits --antioxidants come in many colors!

For a really good list of foods to eat abundantly, moderately and to avoid go to our website and download leptin resistance. This plan explains why some of us burn fat better than others and has a very comprehensive list of foods.

Some things to avoid

  • cow's milk

  • ice cream

  • corn oil

  • lard

  • sugars (anything that ends in "ose" is a sugar)

  • high sugar fruit - such as; bananas, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes and dried fruits

  • fried foods

  • juices - especially ones made from concentrate. The best part of a fruit is the whole fruit, the juice is just the sugar part!

For more information on how to make sure your body continues to burn fat for energy click here and print out the leptin diet.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Natural Heart Health

Are you looking for a way to care for your heart and cardiovascular system naturally? There are natural means of reducing blood pressure, maintaining healthy arteries and lowering LDL cholesterol. Speaking with your naturopathic and chiropractic physician should be your first step in learning how to help manage these things without drugs, but we will discuss some of the alternative methods here.

Blood Pressure - the number one addition to your natural health care regimen should be to get 200 minutes of aerobic exercise a week. Walking, swimming and other blood pumping activities are a great way to help lower blood pressure, and help the body deal with daily stress.

Secondly, stress should be dealt with and managed. There are many kinds of stress and some stressors are healthy, but emotional stress can have a negative effect on your health.

In addition to regular exercise and the reduction of stress there are several herbs and foods which can help reduce blood pressure, and stress; such as, Hawthorne, Garlic and Resveratrol.

Cholesterol - Eating fatty foods, particularly fried foods, can thicken the blood which increases the risk of cardiovascular concerns such as heart attack and stroke. This is compounded by plaque in the arteries, which narrows the arteries and restricts blood flow. You can see how these two things together can increase your chances of having a heart related problem. Again, diet and exercise play a role in lowering cholesterol. It is also a good idea to evaluate liver health when considering cholesterol levels, since the liver makes most of the cholesterol in our body.

When considering whether your cholesterol levels are within a healthy range you can use this formula. Take your total Cholesterol number and divide it by the HDL number, for example if your total cholesterol is 240 and your HDL cholesterol is 60 then your coronary risk factor is 4. We prefer to see a risk factor of 4 or less in our patients.

Good additions to your diet and nutritional regimen should be Garlic and Onions, along with Bromelain and Hawthorne to help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Hawthorne has been used since the 17th century for heart health, and may be beneficial not only for the heart but for the kidneys as well. Hawthorne can increase the blood flow to the heart, increase the pumping action and reduce the workload of the heart muscle itself. Resulting in a steady heartbeat, increased performance and increased resistance to oxygen deficiency, such as during times of stress. It also may be used in cases of congestive heart failure. Many people use Hawthorne to relieve chest pain, and it may also help remove plaque buildup in the arteries which can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Garlic and Onions are both known to help the liver eliminate fats and cholesterol through the bile. Adding these two things to your diet can help the body naturally reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. These foods may also help reduce blood pressure. Garlic and Onions are best eaten raw or added to the recipe in the last couple minutes to add some flavor, but should stay as raw as possible. In order for Garlic to help it needs to be a regular part of the diet. You may also take a supplement if you do not like the flavor.

Bromelain is an anti-inflammatory, mucous reducer and a digestive enzyme. When taken with meals it helps to digest food. If taken away from meals it is beneficial to the flow of blood through the arteries and reduces inflammation in the body. Bromelain works like a blood thinner, but it does not thin the blood. It actually helps the blood flow better, by keeping it from sticking together. We recommend 2000 mg per day of this supplement when using it for cardiovascular health. It has no side effects and is safe for people of all ages. It is natural and made from pineapples. If you have an allergy to pineapple you should not use it. Essential fatty acids, such as fish oils and flax seed oil are also very effective and anti-inflammatory agents, as is vitamin C.

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant which has been shown to increase the health of the arteries. It has been said to slow down the ageing process, to reverse hardening of the arteries, increase energy, aid the body in processing high fat foods, and reduced blood sugar. Resveratrol supplements need to be processed carefully by a lab so be careful where you purchase it from. We have a product which we use for heart health that contains resveratrol and several other heart healthy nutrients. If you are interested please stop by our office for more information. Its name is Vasculosirt.

CoQ Enzyme 10 is another vital nutrient for heart and artery health. As we age, our bodies lose the ability to make our own CoQ 10. Supplementation is necessary to replace what we are lacking. If you are over 40 this is something you should consider adding to your daily nutrition. Co Q 10 may help with several other conditions such as diabetes and inflammation as well as adding a boost to your immune system.

There are other nutrients and foods that may help with heart health, these are just a few. Please stop by our office for more information on your particular concern. Because each person is different, there is no one size fits all approach to cardiac health.