Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm Tired Foggy and Irritable, and I LOVE Pastries!!! Could I Have a Yeast Overgrowth?

Do you have some of these symptoms?

  • Stomach pains or digestion problems

  • Skin problems (skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne)

  • Brain Fog

  • Trouble with Concentration

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Sinus problems

  • Acid Reflux

  • Mood swings

  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

  • Irritability

  • Headaches

  • Crave sugars, sweets, and breads

  • Take Birth Control Pills or Steroids

  • Past Use of Antibiotics

It is possible that you have too much yeast in your body. All of us have Candida yeast in our bodies, but it's when there is an imbalance of intestinal flora that we start to see symptoms. Candida overgrowth can affect men, women and children of any age. Often children get white spots on their tongue, which is typically called thrush. Adults may experience rashes, and the most common symptom is a yeast infection, which can be on the skin or genitals (areas where it is warm and moist). Modern medicine's answer to these types of infections is to use an antifungal such as Diflucan®, which can cause liver or heart damage. These types of drugs do not correct the problem, nor do they replenish the good bacteria that is required for a healthy digestive and immune system.

Yeast overgrowth is related to many different illnesses. Many people who have chronic illnesses and chronic pain such as; Fibromyalgia and Chrons disease are suffering from yeast overgrowth. Candida can also be related to low immune response and a plethera of other conditions. Candidiasis can affect individuals for many years, and can be passed back and forth between spouses.

If you have a Candida infection, you must avoid sugar and processed foods. Refined carbohydrates and blood glucose feed candida, which is why people who suffer from a Candida overgrowth crave breads and sweets. Replenishing the good bacteria is also very important. We recommend a high quality pro-biotic product which has Lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus paracasei, bifidobacterium bifidum, bifodobacterium lactis, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus rhamnosus, and saccharomyces boulardii. Saccharomyces boulardii is known to assist healthy flora by helping it take a stronghold in the intestines and multiply. Monolauric acid is also beneficial to the intestinal flora. It aids the immune system to rid the gut of viruses.

If this approach does not level out the bacteria in the intestines, we may recommend other supplements such as oil of oregano and caprylic acid, in addition to a strong pro-biotic. Of course, each situation is different and an individual may need other supplementation depending on their body's needs.

Testing for Candida is possible, but often treatment is based on symptoms. Because Candida is such a widely spread concern for many people, most benefit immediately from the natural methods that we use in our clinic. You may have a yeast imbalance for years and never know it, and you may just have come to terms with the fact that you are tired and achy.

Reducing processed foods and sugars would benefit each and every one of us, regardless of the amount of Candida we have in our system. Avoiding antibiotics, birth control and steroids are also very good practices, but are crucial to a person who is concerned about Candida.

More information is available by calling or visiting our office. The symptoms for Candidiasis are similar to other conditions which may be serious. Please come in for an evaluation of your symptoms so that we may rule out other possible illnesses.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Are drug dealers targeting our children?

This is a photo of a substance known as Strawberry Meth or Strawberry Quik. I received this photo from a friend who was concerned that children in our area may fall in to this trap. Supposedly this drug reacts like a popular candy called Pop Rocks. It snaps and pops in your mouth and has a sweet taste. According to it is indeed a possibility that these drugs which smell and taste like candy may make their way into our communities. Even though the text message I received may not be 100% accurate, I still believe that we should warn our children about the possibility of drugs that appear to be a candy like substance. If a child were to eat a handful of this methamphetamine it could make them very ill. Not to mention the fact that Meth is addictive, and many Americans have unintentionally become drug addicts by using Meth for recreational use or as a way to "stay awake" or "lose weight." Meth is speed, it is made of toxic substances and can cause brain damage, psychotic behavior and often causes Alzheimer like symptoms.
You may also go to the DEA website on Meth for more specific information. This webpage explains how the drugs are ingested and offers statistics regarding Meth usage.
Drugs are becoming more widespread in our society and the people who use drugs are from every walk of life. Old, Young, Rich, or Poor you can not judge whether a person uses drugs by the way they look or the lifestyle they live. Children and teenagers are particularly succeptible to drug and alcohol abuse.
If you are concerned about drug use in your family, our clinic offers several options for drug testing. We offer complete, accurate and confidential testing, and can provide instant tests which test 5 or 10 types of substances, and are great for testing current use. We also have more detailed testing that we can send to a lab and test for specific drugs. In addition, we offer hair folicle testing which tests previous drug levels over the course of several months. To view our price list and to get more information please go to our website at
I hope that you and your family never have a need for drug testing. If you do please call us for more information.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Are statin drugs safe for healthy people?

According to some new information that's been hitting the presses lately, the FDA has approved using statin drugs such as Crestor in otherwise healthy adults to "prevent" high cholesterol. According to an article on National News Desk from Dec. 17, 2009, the FDA has approved statin drugs for people who have an elevated C-Reactive Protein, to reduce the risk of heart attack and strokes, but this benefit may increase the occurrence of diabetes in these patients.

As you well know, our practice has always taken the stance that healthy people don't need chemicals or drugs to stay healthy. If you read the article noted above it appears that the FDA would rather you die slowly from diabetes, than quickly from a heart attack... It makes no sense to trade one catastrophic event for another, especially when both type 2 diabetes and heart disease can be prevented by a healthy diet and a minimal amount of regular aerobic exercise. We prefer that you live a long prosperous life, and die naturally of old age!

It is becoming more and more obvious that we, as humans, must take responsibility for our own health. The current "health care system", which has trained doctors and patients alike to look to prescriptions and surgeries to change the outcome of our nations health, has come under much scriutiny this year. This challenge has brought to light the fact that, as a nation, we have become a complacent society; in more ways than just one. It is up to each of us, as individuals, to take stock in what is important for ourselves and our family, and change our future for the better.

C-Reactive Protein is an inflammation marker that we use in our clinic every day to help monitor the cardiovascular health of our patients. Often "CRP" can be lowered rather quickly with some minor changes to lifestyle, diet and nutrients. Hemoglobin A1C is also a test that is used to monitor a persons sugar levels over time. These two very simple blood tests are great ways to check a patients progress.

Keep in mind that when something is too good to be true, most times it is. When a study is published that goes against what you believe to be true, challenge it. Check to see who funded the study, and who completed it. If the company who completed the study stands to make money from the outcome of the information, then chances are the deck was stacked to come out on their side.

True wellness requires that you pay attention to your body, listen when it tells you something is not quite right, educate yourself on a healthy diet, and work in that 15-20 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. As our bodies age, we lose the ability to make and utilize some of the nutrients that we need to stay healthy, such as;

  • Essential Fatty Acids, commonly referred to as fish oil or Omega 3, 6, 9. Used to fight inflammation, ease depression and lube up the joints and arteries.

  • Vitamin D - the sunshine vitamin. Boosts the immune system, fights cancer cells, aids calcium absorption and many other great things yet to be discovered!

  • Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant which also helps fight inflammation and is known to ease PMS and Menopausal symptoms too.

  • Vitamin C - Crucial to good health, known to fight cancer, build the immune system and has a chelating effect on the plaque in the arteries

  • Co-Q Enzyme 10 - many people over 40 have lost the ability to make this key antioxidant which is known to help reduce inflammation and lower C-Reactive Protein.

  • Alpha Liopoc Acid - another important element to health that is reduced with age, Alpha Lipoic Acid is known to reduce blood glucose levels by converting it to energy, it also eases neuropathy related to diabetes.

  • B-Complex - B Vitamins including folic acid are among some of the many essential vitamins and minerals that Americans lack. They are also the first to go when you are under constant stress. The body relies on B-vitamins for energy, and stress uses them up rather quickly.

Of course... I could go on all day about nutrients that supply your body with the help it needs to stay healthy...the point is... its up to you to stay well. No magic pill is going to rescue you from diabetes or heart disease if you eat a diet high in processed foods, sugar and fat.

If you wish to check your health status call us to set up your March Madness appointment. To get a complete work up its only $250.00. More information is available on our website at

How is Your Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is called HYPERTENSION and is a "silent killer." It is closely associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease, stroke, poor circulation, and kidney disease.

There is no known cause for 95% of all hypertension.However, years of research have helped prove that hypertension is almost always due to numerous adverse health habits rather than any single cause.

Kidney disease is responsible for almost all the known causes of hypertension. Long term use of many common over-the-counter drugs are known to injure the kidneys. Such drugs include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Rufen), naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, Aleve), and many others. Also, cold medications and many prescription drugs, such as oral contraceptives, can also increase blood pressure. Of course, adverse lifestyle habits (consumption of alcohol and caffeine, cigarette smoking, etc.) contribute to hypertension. While the potential risks of caffeine pale next to those of cigarette smoke and alcohol, when combined with either tobacco or alcohol the risk is greatly increased.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Department of Health and Human Services (NIH Publication No. 93-2669)reported that by far the safest and most desirable way to control blood pressure is lifestyle modification. In fact, they state that medication for hypertension should only be used when the blood pressure is dangerously high, and then used only until control can be maintained naturally.

There are several natural interventions that are recommended as therapies for hypertension.

Weight control - Excess weight greatly increases the risk of many serious conditions, including hypertension, and is an increasingly common health problem in the United States.

Regular exercise - Exercise has been shown to effectively improve all health complications. To be effective, the exercise program must sustain an increased heart rate for a minimum of 20 minutes daily.

Avoidance of tobacco smoke

Reduction or elimination of refined sugars, caffeine and alcohol

Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables - At least 5 different colors of fruits (not canned) or vegetables should be consumed every day, and 8 of every 10 bites should be from fruits or vegetables. (This is now the basic recommendation of the American Heart Association and the National Cancer Institute.)

Reduction of fatty foods - Red meat should be eaten less than once a week. Fried foods should be avoided. Preferred forms of cooked meats are broiled, boiled, baked or stewed.

Nutritional supplementation - Several supplements have been proven to help lower blood pressure, including calcium, potassium, fish oil, coenzyme Q-10, germanium, magnesium, and vitamins C and E. Several other nutrients are also often necessary.

Remember, there are no shortcuts to maintaining or regaining good health. No medication or combination of medications will ever be superior to healthy habits in preventing or reversing most diseases.

BMI Calculations are used to determine how much body fat a person has. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) has a calculator on their website for adults, children, men or women, because body mass does vary between sexes and ages. Feel free to visit their website and determine your body mass index.

A body mass index over 25 is considered to be overweight, 30 and above is defined as obese. People with a BMI over 30 are at risk for many health concerns.

If your BMI is over 25 or if you would like to discuss how to reduce your BMI, please call us. We have several different methods to assist you in increasing your healthy lifespan and reducing BMI. We utilize HCG, Nutritional Supplementation, Healthy Eating Habits and a physician directed support program called "A New You" to help our patients return to or manage a healthy weight.
Adult BMI Calculator
This calculator provides BMI and the corresponding BMI weight status category. Use this calculator for adults, 20 years old and older. For children and teens, 2 through 19 years old, use the BMI Calculator for Children and Teens.