Friday, December 11, 2009

12 Days of Health and Wellness

Well it's that time of year again. When people say hustle and bustle around the holidays what they are referring to is stress. There are many ways to help reduce stress, but during the festive holidays its difficult to avoid sugary foods and stay on top of your exercise routine.

The ACA has created some great informational pages for the holidays called 12 days of Health and Wellness for the Christmas season. You can go to their web site to view them or click on the links below.

Day 1: Don't Overload on Holiday Treats

Day 2: Make Time for Exercise

Day 3: Keep Your Feet Pain Free for the Holidays

Day 4: Watch Your Back

Day 5: Relieve Your Headache Naturally

Day 6: Relax and Rejuvenate

Day 7: Travel Right

Day 8: Get a Good Nights Sleep

Day 9: Enjoy Winter Activities

Day 10: Consider Safety when Decorating

Day 11: Wrap the Right Way

Day 12: Take Care of Yourself and Enjoy the Holidays

The American Chiropractic Association is a great source for health information. We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and A Happy and Healthy New Year. For more health tips listen to our radio show Tuesday mornings on KTTR/KZNN 99.7 FM or 1490 AM in Rolla, or go to the radio show page on our website and listen on line. You can also sign up for our e-newsletters on our website

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