Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HCG Diet Plan

Have you been struggling to lose weight?
New research shows that HCG can help burn the hard to lose fat that many can not shed.

Three Kinds of Fat

  1. Structural Fat, Used to protect body organs, and arteries, and to keep skin smooth and taut
  2. Normal Reserve Fat, Used to store energy for immediate use.
  3. Abnormal Fat, burned only after normal fat stores are depleted. It is not available to the body in emergency energy situations.
When you diet to lose pounds the first fat to be used up are the normal reserves, then the structural reserves. Finally, the body resorts to the abnormal fat stores to find the energy it needs. By this point most people have already gotten so tired and weak that they give up on the diet. Instead of losing the largest stores of fat they have decreased the important fat that protects their bones and makes their skin look taut, so they look older and more wrinkled. The HCG diet burns the abnormal fat around the hips, thighs, potbelly, and double chin. It releases 2000 calories per day to burn as energy from these places.

An obese person requires more calories to function than a leaner person, because it takes more energy to move around, maintain body temperature and simply exist. If you recall the fat types we discussed in the previous paragraph you will notice that these people are burning their normal stores of fat for energy, and then feeling exhausted until they consume more calories.

The standard length of treatment is 23 days for an overweight person. Obese patients may stay on the program for 40 days, and then if needed may wait no less than 6 weeks and do another round. If more rounds of treatment are required each resting period must be progressively longer than the last. Scheduled breaks are 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 20 weeks and 6 months.

HCG contains Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - a hormone naturally produced in the body. It has many functions and is used medically to treat a variety of conditions. It is the pregnancy hormone, but during pregnancy the levels double every two days. This hormone allows the body to mobilize fat and use it as energy for both mother and fetus. This acts as a "fail-safe" mechanism when energy is needed immediately. For weight loss, we use only a very small amount of HCG to capitalize on this same mechanism. Using HCG in this way does not mimic pregnancy; in fact, it can be safely used by both men and women.

In a non-pregnant state, HCG as a weight-loss aid helps reduce the craving for food by making stored fat available for metabolism thus aiding in the ability to adhere to a rigid diet program. HCG accesses unnecessary fat stored in the body just as it does in early pregnancy. Abnormal fat deposits disappear; the double chin, potbelly and fat around hips and thighs are the first to go. HCG does not deplete subcutaneous or other essential fat. For many, complexion improves, gaining a natural freshness and healthy glow with a noticeable reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. Most HCG Weight-loss participants see a loss in girth (inches) before they see any substantive drop in the scales. When properly supervised, the result is rapid weight loss and improved body shape during and after treatment. Scientific evidence suggests that HCG promotes lipolytic (mobilizes fat) activity. Reshaping of body contour is quickly noticeable in those patients who struggle with fat located in buttocks and hips area. As the HCG metabolizes stored body fat, about 2000 calories are released into the bloodstream, thus allowing for a low calorie per day diet without experiencing fatigue, weakness or hunger.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HDL and LDL Cholesterol

CHOLESTEROL is a waxy, fat-like substance that is necessary for life. Your liver makes enough cholesterol to meet the body's needs.

There are two kinds of cholesterol, a "good" kind and a "bad" kind. The good kind, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), helps remove the bad kind, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and bring it back to the liver. LDL cholesterol transports cholesterol to the body’s cells. It’s like an oil truck that delivers fat to the cells. The cells have receptors that serve as docks for the LDL trucks. When the cells contain an excess of cholesterol from too much animal and dairy fat in the diet, the dock space is no longer available and the undeliverable cholesterol piles up in the blood. Hypertension and smoking are the two prime causes of "breaks" in the (endothelial) lining of the arterial walls. The LDL cholesterol trucks drive through these cracks and deposits their cargo into the tissue spaces. In time, these deposits thicken and harden causing a narrowing of the blood vessels. If these deposits break away, they are called clots and can cause heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolisms, etc. When the arteries around the heart become clogged, the blood supply is restricted to the heart causing angina pectoris.

Eating foods with saturated fat will cause the liver to make more cholesterol, especially LDL. A saturated fat is any fat that is solid when refrigerated (such as butter, lard, or margarine). Animal foods that supply saturated fat (such as red meat) are worse than eating a food that is high in cholesterol but virtually free of saturated fat (boiled shrimp and crab legs are good examples of foods that are high in cholesterol but free of fat. Boiled eggs are also high in cholesterol but low in fat). The cholesterol content in beef and turkey is about the same, but saturated fat is much higher in the beef, making turkey the desirable choice. Plants contain no cholesterol, but some are extremely high in saturated fats. Coconut, palm, palm kernel oil, and cocoa butter are saturated fats used in many processed foods. These vegetable fats can be worse for you than animal fats, so beware of products labeled "cholesterol free," or "made with 100 percent vegetable shortening." Unrefined beans, grains, vegetables, seeds, and nuts contain mostly unsaturated fats. The favored unsaturated oils include; olive oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil.

97 PERCENT OF ALL HEART AND CIRCULATORY DISEASES CAN BE AVOIDED AND AN ESTIMATED 80 PERCENT CAN BE REVERSED with proper diet, nutritional therapies, lifestyle changes, and exercise.

Your "CORONARY RISK FACTOR" is calculated by dividing your HDL cholesterol into your total cholesterol. Ideally the ratio should be less than 3.0 and certainly less than 4.0.

---------------------------------------- = IDEALLY LESS THAN 4.0

The higher the number, the greater the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Homocysteine and Cardiovascular Health

Homocysteine (home-sis-teen) is a combination of two amino acids, methonine and cysteine and at increased levels joins other well established factors, including elevated cholesterol, cigarette smoke and obesity for causing poor circulation, heart attach and stroke. In addition to atherosclerosis, hyperhomocysteinemia also has been found to be a procoagulant and thrombogenic agent (a major cause of heart attacks and strokes). However, it has taken more than three decades after its initial discovery to gain its current morbidity and mortality notoriety.

More than thirty years ago, Dr. McCully determined that an infant had died due to a generic defect that did not allow it to utilize vitamin B12. Among other essential functions, such as nerve integrity and bone marrow support, ineffective use of B12 was found to cause a rapidly increasing level of homocysteine in the blood. It was determined that excessive levels of homocysteine due to a genetic disorder caused hardening of the arteries and premature deaths in infants. Dr. McCully then hypothesized that increased levels of homocysteine could cause the same hardening of the arteries and premature death in infants. Dr. McCully then hypothesized that increased levels of homocysteine could cause the same hardening of the arteries that is normally expected only in the unhealthy elderly.

Even though in many cardiovascular disorders the cholesterol level is normal Dr. McCully’s suggestion that excess homocysteine from vitamin B12 deficiency could possibly be the cause of plaque build up in arteries in those with normal cholesterol fell on deaf ears. Unfortunately, during that time traditional medicine was so hung up on cholesterol as the only culprit in cardiovascular disease Dr. McCully’s suggestion was completely ignored.

Recently, however, all that has changed. During the 1990’s, there have been numerous studies reported in all leading medical journals positively linking elevated levels of homocysteine with ‘hardening’ of the arteries. It is now well accepted that elevated levels of homocysteine brings about the same kind of plague build up in blood vessels that can be expected from high levels of cholesterol. In addition to hardening of the arteries, elevated homocysteine levels have also been found to increase the risk of blood clots, a major cause of strokes and heart attacks.

We now know there are four basic nutritional deficiencies that can cause elevated homocysteine levels, B6, B12, folic acid, and riboflavin. As are most vitamins, these nutrients are very fragile and easily destroyed by heat, light, preservatives, and many chemicals. Vitamin deficiencies are commonly caused by food processing and poor selection of food in our diets.

There is good news!!! There is a simple and reasonable priced blood test for homocysteine that any standard laboratory can perform. Also, dietary modifications and supplementation with vitamins B6, B12, riboflavin and folic acid will bring homocysteine levels into a normal range every time.

Cardiovascular disease can be prevented or reversed by taking a few simple steps. If overweight, losing weight with a lifestyle modification program consisting of plenty of vegetables and fruits is essential. Avoiding greasy and fried foods, dairy products, refined sugar and flour, chips, crackers, and luncheon meats are important for overall well being as well as for cardiovascular health. Eight of every ten bites of food should be from vegetables or fruits (fruits cannot be canned). In addition to the above listed nutrients, the antioxidant vitamins, A, C, E, alpha lipoic acid and Co-enzyme Q-10 are also mandatory for a healthy heart. The Journal of the American Medical Association (AMA) reports that we cannot get enough vitamin E from our diets and must take it supplementally for good heart health.

It has been reported that most cardiologists take nutritional supplements, yet very few recommend them to their patients.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chiropractic Care for Children is Safe and Effective

The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association's (ICPA) ground breaking study, The Safety and Effectiveness of Pediatric Chiropractic: A Survey of Chiropractors and Parents in a Practice-Based Research Network, was published this month in the prestigious, biomedical journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. The objective of this study was to describe the practice of pediatric chiropractic, including its safety and effectiveness.

The results of the study determined that the indicated primary reason for chiropractic care of children was “wellness care.” The most common reasons for parents seeking symptom relief care were muscles conditions, ear, nose, and throat, respiratory and digestive disorders. Out of 577 children, with 5438 visits, doctors reported only 3 adverse events. Out of 239 children, with 1735 visits, parents reported only two adverse events. These events were minor discomfort after the adjustment and were readily resolved with continued adjustments. All children remained under chiropractic care. Both parents and doctors indicated a high rate of improvement with respect to the children's presenting complaints. In addition to these improvements, respondents reported better sleeping patterns, improvements in behavior and, improved immune system function while under chiropractic care.

Dr. Joel Alcantara, ICPA Research Director and presenting author said, “this paper shows the preliminary results of the ICPA’s Children’s PBRN – Phase One. Phase Two is well under way and we have initiated similar research pertinent to pregnancy. We are pleased that a major CAM Journal respects the importance of chiropractic care for children and we foresee greater collaboration with the CAM community on the importance of chiropractic care for children.”

Dr. Jeanne Ohm, executive director of the ICPA says, "I am pleased to be affiliated with an organization dedicated to chiropractic family wellness research. It is wonderful to see research substantiating the safety of chiropractic care for children and the overwhelming satisfaction of parents with children under care."

The ICPA is the oldest and largest pediatric organization in the chiropractic profession. Their mission is Research, Training and Public Education on behalf of family wellness. To find out more about children and chiropractic and to locate a doctor who cares for children visit Visit the ICPA practitioner web site to view the abstract.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monolauric Acid - Virus look out!

Monolauric acid is an important natural agent that possesses a wide-spectrum activity against fungus and many viruses. It was first discovered in human breast milk when microbiologists studied the antiviral substances which protect infants from microbial infections. Monolauric acid is a natural, non-toxic antiviral agent that has shown no unwanted side effects in humans.

While some viruses are known to contribute to certain diseases (e.g., chicken pox, whooping cough, shingles, AIDS, etc.), others are thought, but not proven to contribute to other health problems. For instance, many studies have tried without success to link Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and some cancers to viral infections.

There are three major problems in the search to discover a drug that can effectively arrest viruses. One problem is the fact that antibiotics have absolutely no effect against viruses. The second is that the numerous drugs which have been investigated are so toxic they harm the body’s own cells. The third problem is the emergence of new and more resilient viruses.

Monolauric acid is an alternative solution for assisting our bodies to safely destroy viruses. It’s name comes from the fact it is derived from the fatty acid “laurate.” Laurate is normally produced by our bodies (as well as by many animals and plants) and is part of our natural immune system. Actually, fatty acids have long been known for their anti-viral activities but only recently have they been used in a supplement.

Viruses cannot live outside of a host except for a very short period of time. This means that once they are expelled by one host (e.g., a sneeze or cough), they must be taken in by a new host almost immediately or they will die. Once a virus is transferred to a new host, it must avoid detection by the immune system to survive. A common way is for the virus to hide in the new host’s body fat. That way it is camouflaged from the immune system.

The way monolauric acid works is pretty simple. Nature designed monolauric acid specifically for melting the fat away from viruses so the immune system could recognize and destroy them. Furthermore, it enhances other immune defenses against both fungus and viruses.

In studies performed at the Respiratory Virology Branch, Center of Disease Control, in Atlanta, Georgia, while monolauric acid was very effective for a number of viruses, it had no effect on rotaviruses, polio virus, and some viruses thought to be associated with encephalitis

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Healthy Immune Systems Need Vitamin D

Did you know that a healthy immune system is the key to avoiding many of the common illnesses that we face today? To keep your immune system working at its optimum levels you need, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, a healthy diet, plenty of rest and regular exercise, and lots of clean water.

Research shows that low vitamin D levels are one of the factors that can leave your body unprepared to fight off a virus like the swine flu, or even the common cold. During the winter months it is almost impossible expose your body to the amount of sunshine it needs to build its own vitamin D. Many people do not receive enough vitamin D from the sun due to other concerns as well. A simple blood test can determine if your vitamin D levels are in optimum range.

Call our office today to schedule a vitamin D screening, and to discuss how to prepare your immune system for the winter months ahead. You may also choose to schedule a wellness exam to discuss how to implement a wellness program that will have you breathing easy through this years cold and flu season.

Sports Injuries and HBOT

If the sport you play includes football, tennis, baseball, golf, running, jogging, athletics or any other kind of physical activity, you may benefit from HBOT. If you have suffered an injury or surgery of any kind, HBOT may be an excellent adjunct therapy to help speed up the healing process. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been shown to reduce the healing time due to sports related injuries by 70%. It also helps with sore muscles from overuse, due to starting a new exercise program or working too long in the yard!

Our Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) safely increases the body’s oxygen uptake by raising the barometric pressure. Hyperbaric chambers are simpy enclosures, which can be pressurized to allow the person inside to experience atmospheric pressures greater than normal environmental pressures. Hyperbaria is based on Henry’s law of physics, which states that more gas is dissolved in a liquid by increasing the pressure of the gas.

Blood is made up of three main components: white blood cells that fight infection, red blood cells that carry oxygen, and plasma, the fluid that carries both kinds of cells throughout the body. Under normal circumstances, only the red blood cells carry oxygen. Since HBOT forces oxygen into the body fluids, under pressure, oxygen dissolves into all of the body’s fluids, including the plasma, the lymph, the synovial (joint) fluid and the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. These fluids can carry the extra oxygen even to areas where circulation is poor (or blocked), either by trickling past blockages or by seeping into the affected area.

Since a mild hyperbaric chamber utilizes ambient air, purified through filters, combined with an oxygen concentrator, it is completely safe. It can be used regularly without any danger of oxygen toxicity in the body. There is no risk of the negative effects that can be experienced from the elimination of ions and valuable gases such as nitrogen, as with regular treatments in 100% pure oxygen chambers. There are none of the hazards that exist with the pure hyperbaric oxygen chambers.

In addition to being beneficial to injuries, HBOT also aids the body in fighting bacteria and viral infections. Has been proven to be effective in recovery from strokes and head injuries, and helps Parkinsons disease, Lyme Disease and Autism.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Swine Flu/H1N1 and your immune system

Every year just before the weather turns cooler, a campaign begins geared toward motivating the masses to get the flu vaccine. They always talk about the number of deaths each year, and the number of work days lost, caused by the influenza virus. The big push this year is the H1N1 flu. The name was changed from swine flu to H1N1, because the general public equated swine flu with eating pork.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. The most common symptoms are fever, headache, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and body aches. Diarrhea often accompanies the flu. The flu shot is an inactivated (killed) virus that is given with Thimerosal (a mercury disinfectant that can result in brain injury and autoimmune disease). Just like all vaccines and medications, there are potential side effects associated with the flu vaccine. Some of the side effects can be very serious, including Guillian-Barr syndrome. This is a disease that damages the bodies own nerve cells, resulting in muscle weakness and paralysis. In my opinion, a much better way to avoid the flu is to maintain a strong immune system. Of course, simple practices, such as covering ones mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing is important, as is washing hands often (with soap). Following a healthy diet (avoiding non-food items such as soda pop, white flour and sugar), taking quality vitamin supplements and drinking plenty of water is essential for a healthy immune system. You may choose to have your vitamin D levels checked also. Research has shown that many people are low on this vital nutrient, which helps control the immune abilities of your body.
Since antibiotics are useless against a virus, medicine has little to offer for treatment of flu, other than bed rest and plenty of liquids. Sometimes pain and sleep medications are ordered. We teach our patients that prevention is the key…... by boosting their immune system with a healthy diet and proper nutrition.

In order to add an additional boost to your immune system, there are several products available in our office to assist your body in fighting off the seasonal bugs. We recommend Lauricidin® (Monolauric Acid) and ImmunoPRP…... And lots of Buffered Vitamin C. Feel free to stop in or call our office for more information on these great immune boosters. Remember that it is easier to stay well than it is to get well!

Enjoy a healthy fall season, and if you need some assistance on how to get your immune system ready for this cold and flu season, give us a call at the office.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fat Deficiency Kills More People Every Year than Breast Cancer

Omega-3 deficiency is the sixth biggest killer of Americans, according to a new study.
Harvard University researchers looked at 12 dietary, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors such as tobacco smoking and high blood pressure, and used a mathematical model to determine how many fatalities could have been prevented if better practices had been observed.
The study determined that there were 72,000-96,000 preventable deaths each year due to omega-3 deficiency, highlighting the importance of establishing a dietary reference intake (DRI) for omega-3 forms such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Another study found that a combination of omega-3 fatty acids and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) decreased blood pressure and heart rate in kidney disease patients.
People with chronic kidney disease (CKD), which increases the risk of heart disease, experienced improvements in both blood pressure and heart rate following supplementation with four grams of omega-3 fats.
Furthermore, when the omega 3’s were taken in combination with coenzyme Q10, the blood pressure reducing benefits were enhanced. CKD is linked to increased prevalence in all-cause mortality, cardiovascular events and hospitalization.
In addition to benefitting your physical health, omega-3 fats can also be good for your mind.
Researchers have shown that depressed patients have, on average, lower levels of omega-3 in their blood than nondepressed individuals. A greater severity of depression is also linked to lower levels of omega-3. A number of well-controlled depression treatment studies have found therapeutic benefits following omega-3 supplementation.Sources:
U.S. News & World Report September 18, 2009
NutraIngredients September 17, 2009
NutraIngredients June 26, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

EXERCISE AND HEALTH - Are they really linked?

When we are young, it is perceived that the other end of our life is so far off there is little need to worry about preparing for it. As the old saying goes, “we feel ten foot tall and bullet proof.” Since the time before any possible consequences will catch up with us, there is little need to avoid “fun stuff” or lifestyles that are recognized as “unhealthy”. Unfortunately, as those of us who are senior citizens can readily attest, reality of our mortality begins to set in. This reality is sooner for some than it is for others. I think that studying health and wellness while earning my degree as a chiropractic doctor helped me appreciate my own mortality much earlier in life.

Shortly following graduation, I read a book, Cooper’s Poopers, authored by an Air Force physician. Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the author, was instructed to research the benefits exercise could provide in many health problems, verses the use of medications. It was not uncommon for Air Force pilots to be grounded due to health problems, primarily cardiovascular, that medicine failed to correct. Pilots were anxious to get back in the air so they were motivated to do whatever it took. This meant Dr. Cooper had a bunch of more-than-willing participants. After several studies, he found that when a person worked up to the point of running a mile and half in 12 minutes, nearly all health problems would be relieved. These included blood pressure problems, skipped heart beats, shortness of breath, etc. The pilots were able to become certified to fly once again. Because of all the exercise, these participants soon dubbed themselves “Coopers Poopers.” After reading Dr. Coopers successes, I decided I would follow his lead and begin to exercise regularly. I ran (jogged) one to five miles, several times a week, for several years (my wife and I walk briskly at least 2 miles daily). Later I also became interested in bicycle riding, and continue to ride regularly. So far, 60 miles is the longest ride I have taken.

Preparing for active and productive senior years, I often discuss the necessity of following a healthy diet and lifestyle. We all prefer avoiding the possibility of winding up drooling on a pillow, in some nursing home. To this end, I have often joked that my personal ambition is to live to be about 104, and then get killed in a bicycle accident. The point is, if a person is able to ride a bicycle at age 104, they will be active, productive, and able to enjoy life. I don’t think there was a need to “practice up” for the bicycle accident, but I did it anyway. August 31, 2009 I did have a bicycle accident that fractured 3 ribs. I also experienced a slight concussion, even though my helmet absorbed the brunt of the accident. Rib fractures are extremely painful and not recommended.

I was strapped and taped to help secure the ribs. I also did the breathing exercises necessary to protect against pneumonia. The hyperbaric chamber offered the only total relief, and we used it daily. I also consumed numerous vitamins and minerals on a daily basis. As of this writing, my recovery is actually ahead of schedule, and I am again able to see patients.

Written by Dr Jack Kessinger 10-1-09

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is Acai really worth the hype????

Reportedly many years ago an Amazon Indian tribe grew so large that there wasn't enough food to go around. So the tribal chief devised a plan to stretch the food supply... He decreed that all newborn babies should be killed.
When his own daughter, Iaca, gave birth to a baby, he was afraid to show partiality. So tragically, Iaca's baby was killed along with all the other newborn infants.
Iaca went into solitary confinement, mourning her baby's death alone in her hut for days.
After many days, she thought she heard a baby cry, and went into the jungle in search of the baby. What she found instead was a huge palm tree deep in the jungle, shooting toward the sky, literally blanketed with dark-colored fruit.
Realizing that if this food source had been discovered earlier she would still be cuddling her dear baby, she leaned against the tree in total desperation and died.
The next day the tribes people went in search of Iaca, and discovered her body there under the tree... Along with the food supply that could have saved her baby and so many others.
The chief declared that the tree his daughter died under should be named after her, so it was called the açaí (Iaca backwards). "The Fruit that Cries" The indigenous people know açaí as "içá-çai" -- which roughly translated means, "the fruit that cries".
If this story is true, there were indeed many tears shed over the late discovery of that valuable food source.
The legend goes on to tell us this...
Now that the tribe had a new food source, the death decree was lifted, and the tribe went on to prosper. Even though there were significant challenges to harvesting this fruit.
Before I tell you about those challenges, though, allow me to detail some of the challenges of this fruit today – namely the honesty (or lack thereof) in claims about it.

Empty Promises and Bogus Claims -- Açaí Scandals Exposed
Whenever a product becomes very popular and in the public eye, as açaí has, scams seem to pop up everywhere. Naturally, açaí is no different.
What kinds of scams am I talking about?

Ludicrous promises.
One such promise is that you'll lose "30 pounds in 30 days". While açaí has many health benefits, losing 30 pounds in 30 days is not one of them.
The truth is, while açaí contributes to your overall health*, it is certainly not the only component of a healthy lifestyle. You do not live on açaí alone. Your diet should consist of a large variety of (preferably high-ORAC) vegetables, high-quality meat, and a small quantity of fruit.
And you've heard me say it before if you've spent much time on this site...
Exercise is an integral part of your daily lifestyle. You must get moving to lose weight that you subsequently keep off. Whatever your weight, you simply cannot optimize your health without daily exercise. So find a form of exercise you enjoy and get started today.
Don't fall for these promises that seem 'out-of-this-world' good. Too-good-to-be-true is just that -- too good to be true.

Inflated ORAC values.
Many companies tout açaí as a "Super Food" and claim ORAC values in the high thousands (or more). ORAC is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities in biological samples.
Fact is, ORAC numbers can and do vary depending on harvesting conditions and your own body. Many companies multiply the ORAC numbers by 100 grams to make ORAC numbers appear higher than they really are (for the amount you're ingesting).
Açaí is truly a great food, with strong anti-oxidant properties*. Is it the only food you should eat? Absolutely not! It’s really not even at the top of the chart on ORAC values.
Many other foods have strong ORAC numbers too -- red grapes, blueberries, raspberries, spinach... and many more. So strive for balance and include açaí as part of your big plan for taking control of your health*. Be sure the ORAC values you are comparing are per milligram, not per bottle of supplement or some other inflated measure!
Obscure amounts of açaí, use of other juices and use of cheap fillers.
Pure açaí is expensive... therefore many products that contain açaí use token amounts of açaí, and load up with cheaper juices or flavorings.
This affects not only the real ORAC value of the product, but also exactly how much açaí you are actually consuming. Many times, it's very difficult to tell how much that is.
Besides other juices which may have lower nutritional value than açaí's, some products are contaminated with fillers of dubious value, like soy lecithin, citric acid, maltodextrin, or seeds. (Remember, seeds have no nutritional value.)
My advice is to steer clear of mixed products, because it's so very difficult to really know what's in them. High-quality pure açaí should be very dark, not a lighter color. So color tone is a reasonable guide to the quality level of the product.

Questionable marketing practices.
One popular marketing practice invites you to try out a "free" bottle of açaí (whether capsules or liquid is irrelevant), and charges you "only" for shipping and handling.
You're asked for your credit card number to cover shipping and handling. Hidden in the fine print is a statement that by accepting the free offer, you're authorizing a monthly auto-ship program and will be charged $90 to your credit card every month.
Then comes the real rub... Unscrupulous companies make it difficult or almost impossible to stop the monthly charges. By the time you manage to get a "return authorization" from them to stop your payments and shipments, you've lost several hundred dollars. . So be sure you know the history and integrity of the company you're dealing with.

Back to the story
Dark purple berries known as açaí (pronounced ah-sigh-EE) grow in huge clusters near the top of palm trees that sweep the sky. They may be up to a dizzying 82 feet tall... with no branches to ascend on. Certainly no easy task....
But desperation has an amazing impact on motivation. And this jungle tribe found a way.
It's not known exactly how they first harvested their new-found treasure, but it was likely brought down the same way it is today.
Agile, brave men shimmy up the entire height of the açaí palm, cut off a huge cluster, and bring it down. They repeat the process for each of many clusters.
Memoirs from the tribe passed down through generations claimed that the açaí berries gave those tribes which ate them a strange immunity from illnesses brought by European explorers*... diseases which killed off other regional tribes who didn't eat the berries.
History doesn't give complete information on that assertion, but one thing is for sure...
No One's Crying Now!

Açaí evolved from the obscurity of the rainforest to the cities of Brazil, where it quickly gained popularity. It became a celebrated health smoothie ingredient in exclusive Brazilian clubs.
It seemed just a small leap before its fame grew from these Brazilian clubs to the entire world.
Just what caused a little-known jungle fruit to become such an international phenomenon?
From Unknown Jungle Fruit to International Fame
Surfers claim açaí gives them added energy to meet the mighty ocean*.
Surfers along the Brazilian coastline began adding açaí to their drinks and smoothies. They claimed it boosted and prolonged their energy levels as they reckoned with the force of the mighty ocean.
The trend grew, and the 'word on the beach' was that açaí indeed sustained energy and reduced fatigue.* Not only were surfers intrigued with this newly discovered berry... So were skateboarders and jujitsu fighters. Later tourists touted its goodness. Finally scientists latched on to the news, and began researching to discover whether there were truly documentable merits to açaí. What they discovered boosted açaí's popularity even more among athletes and scientists, and among health-seekers in general.

What are People Saying About Açaí?
Açaí berries are small royal-purple berries about the size of a grape. They consist of a large seed and small amount of pulp and flesh surrounding the seed. No one eats the seed -- it has absolutely no nutritional value.
On the other hand, the pulp is incredibly nutritious and delicious*. The taste has been described as a fruity red-wine flavor with chocolate overtones, not too sweet. It is also highly perishable... so if you want it fresh, you'll have to travel to the Amazon during harvest season, and be there within 24 hours of harvest to enjoy it. Rest assured that if it was impossible to enjoy its benefits so far from its source, no one would be talking about it. But people are...
Dr. Perricone named it the #1 "Superfood" in his book The Perricone Promise*
Celebrities have praised açaí publicly. Athletes claim it gives them a competitive edge*
Why are so many raving about this fruit?

Tiny Berry Gives Huge Energy Boost
Hidden within its royal purple skin is a "magical" nutritional profile that makes it nearly a perfect energy fruit*. Açaí is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids -- and more*.

Antioxidants and Anthocyanins.
Açaí has become recognized as one of the world's highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) foods*. ORAC is a lab measurement of how well antioxidants can neutralize free radicals in your body. The higher the value, the better your body utilizes it to fight the damaging effects of free radicals. Açaí has ten times the antioxidant levels of grapes and twice that of blueberries*. Further, the USDA recommends you consume 3,000 to 5,000 ORAC units per day*. But if you're average, you only get about 1,000 units daily.

What are anthocyanins?
If you've seen a deep purple plum, a bright red apple, or deep green spinach, you've seen anthocyanins. They are a particular class of flavonoids and represent nature's "colors of the rainbow".

Those anthocyanins transfer their antioxidant properties directly to you when you eat them, to keep you healthy and help you fight the signs of aging*.
Açaí has ten to thirty times the anthocyanin levels of red wine, Essential Fatty Acids.
Açaí is naturally high in fatty acids, especially omegas 3, 6 and 9*. Its fatty acid profile is similar to that found in olive oil, a food believed to enhance cardiovascular health in Mediterranean populations*.
Omega fatty acids promote your healthy nervous system, and aids muscular development and rejuvenation*.

Dietary Fiber.
Açaí is an excellent source of organic dietary fiber*. Fiber promotes a healthy digestive system*. Studies also suggest that dietary fiber may help support a healthy cardiovascular system and help regulate optimal cell division*.

Açaí owns an almost-perfect essential amino acid complex*, promoting muscle performance, endurance, strength, and sustained energy*.
No wonder surfers and other high-level athletes were some of the first to rave about its virtues!
Photosterols. Photosterols are complex compounds of plant cell membranes which help promote your healthy cardiovascular system by helping maintain optimal cholesterol levels*. Plant sterols may also promote your healthy digestive tract*. They act as precursors to many important substances produced by your body*.

Vitamins and Minerals.
Açaí presents you with an opportunity to obtain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E*. Actually, açaí contains as much Vitamin C as blueberries*. It has more than 1000 IU of Vitamin A per 100 grams açaí*. Additionally, you'll find potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc in açaí*.